Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Our Blue Planet

 This my google animation showing how the sun causes the water on Earth to rise into the sky.

Monday, September 20, 2021

How I am thankful

This is my how I am thankful for PB4L.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Not cleaning my room

 Not cleaning my room

1. Going on my phone.

2. Getting banned from my phone.

3. Cleaning up my room

One day I was on my phone and my room was not clean. I was on roblox. But my brother Kaizer said “can you play with me”, I said “no” and then he cried and cried. Then I said “ok then I will play with you” and he got happy.

When my mum looked at my room she said “OMG Rhylee get in this room right now, Clean it up now and you are not Allowed on your phone or Chromebook for the week but you can go on your chromebook at school”. “OK” mum said and then I said I Love you mum.

Then I cleaned up my room and then I asked my mum and dad if I could listen to music on my phone. The music on my speaker and then cleaned up my room then I said amazing my room is finally clean. Then I showed mum and dad my room and they said lovely our room is clean and I jumped as high as the sky.    

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My Stop motion annimation

 This is my stop motion animation about Matariki, I worked with Amber on this. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Natural Disasters google Form

 My Google Form about Natural Disasters 

Friday, June 4, 2021

birds eye view

This is my birds eye view google drawing of the netball courts


Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday, May 14, 2021

what makes me a good friend

This slide shows how I am a good friend.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

My term 1 reflection


This is a drawing of two favourite times this term. My first one is going to the school slide with my friends. Being kind to the environment by picking up rubbish.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 A sleepover

  1. Going over.

  2. Night time.

  3. Easter hunt

In the afternoon I went to pack my things and go to my friend Peppa’s house. Her house is amazing because she is having a sleepover. It is her birthday and Peppa’s mum said “ kids we are going to play some games soon”. It was fun. But when it was the chocolate game we all got excited but Peppa got mad at me. I said sorry and then she was happy at me. Then we joined back in the game and everyone was happy and having fun.

When it was night we watched a movie. Peppa said to her mum “mum can we put on the facemasks” she said yes. It was amazing. We were all so happy and we had popcorn that Peppas mum made by hand. It was yummy I Loved it so much and we all said thank you.

In the morning we all wake up and then Peppa’s mum said “we are going to have an Easter hunt”. We went outside and when she said  “ three two one go” and we all went off. We all found six but I found one and I was also happy but mad at the same time.  

Friday, March 19, 2021

My poem


 I am loving and kind.  

I like helping others when they are in trouble.

   I like my amazing teachers. 

 I am scared of other dogs and crazy clowns. 

 I like cats and Amazing dogs.

  I enjoy doing things that I like to do.

  I like helping my family.

I am playful with my friends and family.  

I am kind to my friends and family.

I like going to the beach with my amazing family. 

 I have a big family in my house

And I have three brothers and my mum and dad and me

Friday, March 12, 2021

My leaf poem

My leaf

My leaf is green like the grass.  My leaf is bumpy like a hill.   My leaf is soft like a baby’s bottom.  

My leaf is big like the Earth.  My leaf is long like the road.   My leaf is bright like the sunshine. 

 My leaf is lovely like the ocean.   My leaf is beautiful like the sky.  

My leaf is warm like the sun.  My leaf is cold like the wind.  My leaf is like me.

My leaf is amazing like me.  My leaf is sweet but not too sweet.  My leaf lives on trees but some live on bushes.  My leaf is kind and curing.  My leaf is pretty as a heart.



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Nau mai, haere mai

Nau mai, haere mai!

Welcome to my blog for learning.

I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,

my whānau and friends everywhere.