Friday, March 19, 2021

My poem


 I am loving and kind.  

I like helping others when they are in trouble.

   I like my amazing teachers. 

 I am scared of other dogs and crazy clowns. 

 I like cats and Amazing dogs.

  I enjoy doing things that I like to do.

  I like helping my family.

I am playful with my friends and family.  

I am kind to my friends and family.

I like going to the beach with my amazing family. 

 I have a big family in my house

And I have three brothers and my mum and dad and me

Friday, March 12, 2021

My leaf poem

My leaf

My leaf is green like the grass.  My leaf is bumpy like a hill.   My leaf is soft like a baby’s bottom.  

My leaf is big like the Earth.  My leaf is long like the road.   My leaf is bright like the sunshine. 

 My leaf is lovely like the ocean.   My leaf is beautiful like the sky.  

My leaf is warm like the sun.  My leaf is cold like the wind.  My leaf is like me.

My leaf is amazing like me.  My leaf is sweet but not too sweet.  My leaf lives on trees but some live on bushes.  My leaf is kind and curing.  My leaf is pretty as a heart.