Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Not cleaning my room

 Not cleaning my room

1. Going on my phone.

2. Getting banned from my phone.

3. Cleaning up my room

One day I was on my phone and my room was not clean. I was on roblox. But my brother Kaizer said “can you play with me”, I said “no” and then he cried and cried. Then I said “ok then I will play with you” and he got happy.

When my mum looked at my room she said “OMG Rhylee get in this room right now, Clean it up now and you are not Allowed on your phone or Chromebook for the week but you can go on your chromebook at school”. “OK” mum said and then I said I Love you mum.

Then I cleaned up my room and then I asked my mum and dad if I could listen to music on my phone. The music on my speaker and then cleaned up my room then I said amazing my room is finally clean. Then I showed mum and dad my room and they said lovely our room is clean and I jumped as high as the sky.